Thank you so much for supporting authors by buying direct! Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I read my eBook or get it on my preferred device?
Shortly after you complete your purchase, you will receive an email from help@bookfunnel.com. This email will include a link to download your ebook. Click on this link and you will be taken to a web page where you will find instructions on how to download your purchase, or send it to your preferred device. If you don't receive this email within 15 minutes, please check your Spam or Promotions folder.
All of your purchases can also be found in your BookFunnel library at https://My.BookFunnel.com. You can login with the email you used to purchase or download your books.
If you need help, simply email help@bookfunnel.com or visit https://getbookfunnel.com/
What devices are supported?
Pretty much anything you can think of. At the link provided after you order, you will find download instructions for all popular eReaders including Kindle, Kobo, and Nook, as well as Apple and Android phones/tablets. You can also read on your PC or any device that can read an ePub. If you've been enjoying my books purchased from a retailer, you will be able to continue to do so on the same device when purchasing direct.
I'm still nervous. What should I do?
If you're nervous about the process, just order THE PROTOCOL. It's free, but you'll go through the entire process from purchasing to getting your book on your device. Once you've successfully done that, you can purchase anything else you want with confidence.
How does buying direct help authors?
Buying direct from the author helps in many ways. First, we get paid within days rather than months, and we get a much bigger slice of the pie. This allows us to focus on our writing rather than the business side of things. This means more books for you, and more money for authors.
How does buying direct help me?
In many ways! For one, you're not tied to any one platform. Ebooks sold here have no DRM, and can be downloaded onto any device, including Kindle, Apple, and Android devices, as well as your PC. Use the BookFunnel app to organize all your purchases, and sync your last page read.
By giving authors access to a bigger slice of the pie, we can pass some of those savings on to you with deals, bundles, sales, etc. Check the top of your screen for any ongoing sales.
Greater flexibility! By shopping direct, you'll get early access to new books, bundles, and other offers you won't find anywhere else. Make sure to sign up for marketing emails so as not to miss these deals.
I thought I was buying from Rob. Who is UnderMill Press?
UnderMill Press is my wholly-owned imprint. When you buy from UnderMill Press, you are buying from me, with no one else taking a cut beyond the credit card processors.
How will the charge appear on my credit card statement?
The charge will appear as either "Undermill Press" or "SP JROBERTKENNEDY-AUTH", or a variation thereof. Anything with UNDERMILL or my name is the charge for your books.
What is a Foreign Transaction Fee?
Some banks in the United States charge a Foreign Transaction Fee for any vendors outside of the US. Since I am based in Canada, you may see this. It is not billed by me, and is a ridiculous fee added by your bank/credit card company. It is usually around 1% of the total transaction, and remember, you're already saving significantly more than that by ordering direct.
How can I contact you with any more questions?
Use the Contact Rob link at the top of the page to send a message. If you're having technical problems, contact BookFunnel directly at help@bookfunnel.com.